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How to reuse packaging waste

When it is impossible to eliminate packaging, the best option is to reuse it as many times as possible. Finding ways to reuse packaging waste can help you save money while also protecting the environment....

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Plastic bags are used to transport products such as food and clothing purchased at stores. Even though we know that plastic bags are bad for the environment, they are widely utilized. This has had a number of.....

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Packaging waste management

Packaging waste has long been harmful to our environment. We produce far too much trash and are incapable of dealing with it in a sustainable manner. Non-biodegradable waste that cannot be recycled properly is filling our oceans and landfills.....

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Alternative Eco-Friendly Materials for Packaging

With nearly three million tons of plastic waste created every year, the Philippines is one of the largest contributors in terms of per-capital waste generation. Unfortunately, an estimated 20 percent of this waste ends up in the ocean....

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Proper Disposal

There are various things we can do as citizens of our country to improve the lives of others, one of which is proper waste disposal. The positive impact on the environment is one of the main reasons we care so much about proper garbage disposal....

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