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  • theecoeraa


Updated: Jun 2, 2022

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Plastic bags are used to transport products such as food and clothing purchased at stores. Even though we know that plastic bags are bad for the environment, they are widely utilized. This has had a number of negative environmental consequences, including animal choking, pollution, channel, river, stream blockage, and landscape ugliness. As a result of these consequences, the general public, activists, and legislators have expressed outrage to the point where certain national governments have outlawed the use of plastic shopping bags. To successfully reduce plastic trash, we must reduce our consumption of plastic. This entails changing our daily routines, such as not using plastic when a better alternative exists and only using plastic when plastic bags can be reused or repurposed for a variety of uses. It is vital to consider how things can be utilized before discarding them. Educating individuals on the environmental and health costs of using plastic bags is another important technique for behavioral change.

We need to improve community awareness about poor garbage disposal practices. Participating in neighborhood clean-up efforts, voluntarily recycling household waste, avoiding littering and illegal dumping of plastic shopping bags, using eco-friendly materials as an alternative, and adopting legislation that makes the use of plastic bags less appealing are all actions that can be taken to reduce the impact of plastic bags on the environment.

Furthermore, Social media has become an inextricable element of modern life. This social media platform can be used to raise awareness about many current environmental issues in a much faster and more efficient manner to a big audience in a short period of time. Interaction between environmental educators and students or ordinary people can be used to determine the importance of environmental education in determining the value of social media

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