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Proper Disposal

Updated: Jun 2, 2022

There are various things we can do as citizens of our country to improve the lives of others, one of which is proper waste disposal. The positive impact on the environment is one of the main reasons we care so much about proper garbage disposal. It not only maintains our streets clean but also lessens the negative effects of garbage disposal. Your trash will be delivered to the proper location if you follow proper waste disposal guidelines. Use the right waste type and follow the instructions to help us have a positive impact on the environment. We can also reuse what we can instead of sending it to the landfill. It also improves the overall health of the community. Our environment is cleaner because garbage is properly disposed of, which means there are fewer health risks and hazards to affect us. This involves avoiding pollution in our surroundings and ensuring that our society remains as healthy as possible

  • Applying the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Reduce, reuse, and recycle are the three R's that play a significant role in living a sustainable life since they assist to reduce the amount of garbage we produce. The first 'R' stands for reduce, which means producing less waste. It's really quite easy: the less you consume, the less garbage you'll produce. The second 'R' is reuse, which involves thinking about how you can reuse objects (preferably numerous times) before replacing them. The final 'R' is recycle, which entails separating objects that can be used for a new purpose. The three 'R's also help to reduce the amount of space required for landfills, which are where waste items are disposed of.

Segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable

  • Waste can be segregated as biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes. Biodegradable wastes are wastes that can be decomposed easily and this includes organic waste such as kitchen waste, vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves from the garden, and paper. Non-biodegradable waste is wastes that cannot be decomposed easily and this can be further segregated into recyclable waste (plastic, glass, metal), toxic waste (old medicines, paints, spray cans), and E-waste (Floppy disks, batteries, CD’s).

Process flow:

  1. Determine which waste categories must be separated.

  2. Have separate bins for each segregation group.

  3. Ensure that wet, dry, biomedical, and e-waste are correctly separated at the source.

  4. Use the local BBMP garbage trucks to dispose of biodegradable waste or start a composting pit in your backyard.

  5. Various organizations that recycle garbage can pick up recyclable waste on a weekly basis.

  6. If there is any toxic waste, it must be segregated and disposed of responsibly, depending on the type of toxic waste.

  7. Waste that has been contaminated must be sent to an incinerator. •

Tips for proper disposal

  1. Measure your waste

  2. Do the 3 R’s of waste management.

  3. Collection Services

  4. Separating Waste

It is easier to manage and track your improvement on something that can be measured if you measure your waste. Begin by keeping track of the different types and quantities of garbage. The three R's will also assist you in reducing your waste. Having a collection service and sorting waste is crucial to ensure that waste is properly disposed of and our environment is improved

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